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Gestalttherapeutic Sexualtherapy

#Workshop Serie

Body and relationship-oriented three-part workshop series for professional work with sexuality, love and relationship with Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Netzer, MSc and Martin Geiger, MSc (download flyer as pdf 620 kb vers. 1.12.20) - Sensuality and sexuality in their various forms are essential areas of human existence. Sexual health is based on pleasure and play and the ability to develop further. Unfortunately, the subject of sexuality is all too often pushed into the (tabooed) background in psychotherapies.

In this workshop series, therapeutic work with sexual issues in single and couple settings is taught and practiced through self-awareness, theoretical reflection and the exploration of methodological approaches.

The basis for this is, among other things, the Gestalt therapeutic approach "Emotional Relational Sextherapy" (ERST) by the renowned American pioneer Stella Resnick, which does justice to the latest sexual therapeutic, bonding theory and neurobiological findings.


Workshop 1: Early Roots of Closeness, Love and Desire: How we have learned to love (20EH)

Attachment patterns and sensual experiences in childhood and adolescence as the basis of adult sexuality and relationship shaping competence; therapeutic work with Resnick's method of the "Family Closeness Profile".


Workshop 2: Sexuality as a body topic: work with breathing and physical awareness (20EH)

Resource-oriented body process work for therapeutic work with sexual difficulties especially due to shame and trauma; breathing techniques for stress regulation; ways to greater authenticity and pleasure in Sexuality.


Workshop 3: Sexuality as a relationship topic: Work in couple and single settings (20EH)

"Pleasure heals": Sexual difficulties in the context of couple dynamics; Embodied Relational Sextherapy (ERST): Stella Resnick's model for therapeutic work with couples; ethical and life course issues.

Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Netzer, MSc: Psychotherapist, coach and supervisor; Trainer for Integrative Gestalt Therapy/ÖAGG, further training in Gestalt Therapeutic Couples and Sexual Therapy with Stella Resnick in Los Angeles;
Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy with Ruella Frank in New York and Gestalt Therapeutic Body Process Work with James Kepner (Cleveland/Ohio)

Martin Geiger, MSc: psychodrama therapist, music therapist, supervisor and experienced couple and sex therapist, relevant further training: Psychodrama Couples and Sexual Therapy/ÖAGG FS Psychodrama; body-oriented psychotherapy (AABP ); trauma therapy (trauma focus)

Dates: The start was postponed - data will follow.

Location: Vienna, Therapiezentrum Hyrtlgasse, Hyrtlgasse12/1; 1160 Vienna, Arrival + Route planning

Target group: Psychotherapists and Psychotherapists in training with the license to work with supervision

Group size: maximum 14 participants

Costs: psychotherapists with ÖAGG membership € 1680/without: € 1920, psychotherapists in training
with ÖAGG-membership € 1440/ without € 1680 (for details - (download flyer as pdf 600 kb))

Since all three workshops build on each other, they can only be booked together. The certification as further education for psychotherapists by the ÖBVP will be submitted.

Zum Herunterladen

Organizer: ÖAGG Section Integrative Gestalt Therapy

Management: Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Netzer, MSc, Martin Geiger, MSc

Registration: in the secretariat of the section with Mrs. Draczynski: gestalttherapie@oeagg.at / Tel. 01/7184860 (limited number of participants: max.14)

Freitag, 6. November 2020

European Congress for Body Psychotherapy


17th European Congress for Body Psychotherapy (EABP) SENSE AND SENSATION - The Diversity of Experience in Body Psychotherapy - Postponed to 10.-12. September 2021 online - Registrierung siehe Link.

Virtual Congress 10th -12th September 2021


The Experience of Fullness in Body Psychotherapy
10th - 12th SEPTEMBER 2021

Registration is now open and closes on September 8th!

Dear Members,

EABP Congresses offer warm-hearted, inspiring, and joyful events where members of our Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology communities can share experiences, knowledge, thoughts, and ideas with other members, and with professionals from allied health professions, beyond EABP.
Given numerous challenges and struggles of the past couple of years for the whole world-wide community, the EABP Congress Planning Committee and the EABP Board offer a virtual space for us to assemble, to share ideas and to re-connect. A virtual gathering of members, and those interested in BP, where we acknowledge and celebrate with each other.
Our Keynote Speakers, our Whole Congress Workshops and our Symposia will pick up on the theme of the Virtual Congress, September 10th – 12th 2021:
Sense and Sensations: 
the Experience of Fullness in Body Psychotherapy
 On Friday we have an interactive presentation from EABP member Marianne Bentzen. Followed by a panel discussion with last president and current chair of Think Tank Committee, Lidy Evertsen and current President, Carmen Joanne Ablack.
On Saturday we have a presentation from EABP and Board member Dr Kathrin A. Stauffer. Followed by a panel with Board member, Fabio Carbonari, and previous General Secretary, Sladjana Djordjevic.
On Sunday afternoon there will be a special Questions and Answers session with Dr Stephen W. Porges. Dr Porges will speak to a series of questions sent in by some of our members. Followed by a panel discussion with Professors Genovino Ferri and introduced by Maurizio Stupiggia. 
On behalf of all the membership we wish to thank our previous Congress Planning Committee (CPC) colleagues for their hard work and dedication: Maurizio Stupiggia, Lidy Evertsen, Fabio Carbonari, Genovino Ferri, Carmen Joanne Ablack and Rosanna De Sanctis.
Thanks to each of you for all your work and continued support as we move forward.
And NOW!
Our EABP 17th International (Virtual) Congress 2021 offers an equally exciting range of speakers, workshops and symposia to allow us to re-find ourselves in exchanges and discussions that will help shape our thinking and approaches to our BP work in Society going forward, in a very changed and changing world.
Can we rise to the challenges?
We hope to explore, discover and manage some defining of this as we engage together over the three days of Congress.
Please click on each of the following to take you to the pages with details about:

Keynote Speakers
Congress workshops
Society in Corona Crisis Modus
Science and Research Symposium 



Kongressekretariat: info@congress.eabp.org , Kontakt Thomas Riepenhausen

Mittwoch, 15. September 2021


Welcome to koerperorientiert.at!

Koerperorientiert means bodyoriented or body centred approach. This web-based project is dedicated to the body in psychotherapy and aims to deepen it on a cross-method basis.


The present project explores the topic of the body in psychotherapy with its many different access possibilities. The specialist orientation is not important. In Austria, some procedures are not legally recognised, but in other European countries/English speaking countries they are already legally recognised.

Psychotherapeutic approaches involve the body in therapy processes to varying degrees. Some psychotherapists sometimes lack the expertise in this field and thus important possibilities remain unused.

Ziel & Ausrichtung  |  Aim & direction of koerperorientiert.at

Diese website informiert über körperorientierte Psychotherapie, Paar- und Sexualtherapie und vernetzt PsychotherapeutInnen zu diesem Thema. Es werden keine Dienstleistungen für KlientInnen / PatientInnen zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Projekt dient ausschließlich dem fachlichen Austausch sowie der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung und es verfolgt keine kommerziellen Ziele. Wir verzichten bewusst auf Werbe-Links und stellen keine Inhalte für werbetechnische Zwecke zu Verfügung.

This website informs about body-oriented psychotherapy, couple- and sexualtherapy and connects psychotherapists on this topic. No services are provided for clients / patients. The project serves exclusively for professional exchange and scientific discussion of the topic. There are no commercial aims connected with the project. We deliberately refrain from advertising links and do not provide any content for advertising purposes.