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This website informs about body-oriented approaches to psychotherapy and networks interested psychotherapy colleagues on this topic.  No services are provided for clients / patients. The website serves exclusively for professional exchange and scientific discussion of the topic. Information about possibilities and motivations for the project can be found in the possibilities section.

Data protection

When visiting this website no data is collected or statistics are stored. However, cookies are set. If you contact us via the web form, this will be handled by our server and the data will be sent to the operator.


The license for the theme of this website (MiliPro) comes from https://www.drupar.com/theme-license. The project itself is built with the open source CMS Drupal. https://drupal.org


All contents may only be taken over or used with the agreement of the respective authors.


Martin Geiger, psychotherapist in 2130 Mistelbach, Hauptplatz 18/2/4, contact via web form. More about at https://w4psy.at, mobile: +43 699-17003139


Ziel & Ausrichtung  |  Aim & direction of koerperorientiert.at

Diese website informiert über körperorientierte Psychotherapie, Paar- und Sexualtherapie und vernetzt PsychotherapeutInnen zu diesem Thema. Es werden keine Dienstleistungen für KlientInnen / PatientInnen zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Projekt dient ausschließlich dem fachlichen Austausch sowie der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung und es verfolgt keine kommerziellen Ziele. Wir verzichten bewusst auf Werbe-Links und stellen keine Inhalte für werbetechnische Zwecke zu Verfügung.

This website informs about body-oriented psychotherapy, couple- and sexualtherapy and connects psychotherapists on this topic. No services are provided for clients / patients. The project serves exclusively for professional exchange and scientific discussion of the topic. There are no commercial aims connected with the project. We deliberately refrain from advertising links and do not provide any content for advertising purposes.